Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast
Week Commencing June 1, 2020
It’s a new week AND a new month! It’s looking to be a pretty big week astrologically, but will be one which should see us chilling out, taking time out for growth, reflection and release, and being gentle and kind to ourselves and others.
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra
We start the week with the moon in its waxing gibbous phase in the sign of harmonious Libra. While in the thick of Gemini season, which really makes us focus on our communications and how we think and speak, this Libra moon is a good one for really keeping the peace in our relationships with our loved ones. It’s important to be mindful of the language we use in our verbal exchanges so we can keep our relationships feeling harmonious and to really focus on our self-talk too. Libra also loves balance, so look at how you can keep your emotions in-check at the start to this week.
You might like to work with essential oils that can support your self-expression and communication- lavender and oregano. Lavender can help us to express ourselves clearly and easily, and oregano can aid in how well we listen and in thinking before we speak, so do get out those oils to use in the diffuser. A blend like Balance can of course also help with keeping our emotions balanced to best harness the Libra moon vibe
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Scorpio
Mid-week the moon will change signs, moving into transformational and deep Scorpio. The Scorpio energies ask us to look within, and would be a good time to really get aligned with what you want your life to look, feel and be like. Meditation and journaling are good self-care practices to help you to get clear on your purpose. This is really helpful to do so that you can get clear on your life goals and vision prior to the upcoming full moon and partial eclipse. You could use patchouli oil, or blends with patchouli such as InTune, to support your practices during this time.
Full Moon in Sagittarius and Partial Lunar Eclipse
On Friday, the moon will change signs again into open-minded and adventurous Sagittarius and early on Saturday morning there will be the Sagittarius full moon and partial lunar eclipse. This lunar eclipse is known as a penumbral eclipse which is what happens when the outer part of Earth’s shadow blocks some of the Sun’s light, stopping it from reaching the moon, thus creating a shadow from the moon. This can mean there is a more intense energy from the moon and also provides a powerful gateway for us to project what we want to create in our life from a personal and emotional level.
Lunar eclipses are also even more powerful than usual full moons for release work. So be sure to set up a full moon ritual using palo santo or sage and to do your full moon mapping from the My Unstoppable Life Journal. This will give you a chance to revaluate, revise and release what is no longer useful or helpful in your life.
Sagittarius encourages us to look for the deeper meaning. Ask yourself -what could change in your life? Where do things seem unclear or not aligned? What could you do differently so as to live your life fully as you desire? Are there ways that you can give more emotionally, financially or physically and to expand your knowledge & experiences?
Using the oil blend Passion which includes Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Sandalwood, Jasmine and Vanilla would be a great blend for this particular full moon and lunar eclipse. Roll it along your hairline, on your neck and your wrists before doing your full moon release ritual.
On Sunday the moon moves into organised Capricorn as it enters the waning phase of the lunar cycle. Use Self-care Sunday to harness the earthy energies of Capricorn by doing activities such as gardening, walking outside, or some yin yoga to really stretch the muscles and encourage relaxation.
Get your essential oils to support your lunar self-care:
Watch the full lunar forecast video on my IGTV