Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Forecast

Week Commencing April 19, 2021

*all dates and times are in AEST

With the Moon continuing to wax this week, we will want to focus more on our intentions and goals for this lunation and to take action on the things needed to help bring them into fruition. Energy levels will be peaking by the end of the week which can be useful to make the most of by planning out big projects and tasks. There is quite a lot going on in the skies that will be influencing things too.

Mercury will be affected by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter which could mean that our thoughts and communication will have us speaking our mind and thinking about many different things that will either have us feeling scattered and confused or thinking about things in new and transformational ways. Today also marks the start to Taurus Season with the Sun moving from Aries into this earthy, practical and grounded sign. Taurus Season is perfect for slowing down, focusing on self-care, and to paying attention on your money, finances and material possessions.

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer

The week kicks off with the Waxing Crescent Moon in emotional Cancer, the Moon’s home sign. The Moon shifted here on Sunday morning and it’s likely we will all be feeling more sensitive with heightened emotions. Cancer Moons are great for comfort and nurturing- both yourself and others- and for spending quality time with family.

Being at home and enjoying home cooked comfort foods is ideal. Receive any support that you are given from those close to you and tune into your heightened intuition. Apply Geranium oil over the heart centre to help nurture and balance any big emotions.

Void Moon

On Tuesday the Moon will be Void from 10:03am until 4:10pm when it will be in outgoing Leo. While the Moon is Void it’s best to focus on menial tasks rather than making big decisions and don’t start on anything new. Take it easy and practice nourishing self-care during this long Void-of-course Moon period.

First Quarter Moon in Leo

This Leo Moon also marks the First Quarter Moon phase which is when you might start to feel anxious about reaching your intentions, or where you could be overly ambitious about what it is you can realistically accomplish between now and the Full Moon in Scorpio. If things do feel challenging, as they often can at this phase, remain as positive as possible, communicate your ideas to others and remain focused. Expect the unexpected to happen as this is a time when change is also possible.

With the Leo Moon influence, you might want to put yourself out there and will find it easier to make your thoughts and feelings be known, perhaps with quite dramatic flare. Use this mood to be playful, get creative, go out and socialise or dance away in a living room party. You will likely feel more self-confident and generous than usual. I love using the oil blend Cheer on Leo Moons, or you could diffuse Ylang-Ylang, Lavender and Citrus Bliss to really get into the Leo Moon mood.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo

On Thursday night the Waxing Gibbous Moon will be Void from 10:04pm to 11:08 pm when it transits into organised Virgo. The Moon will be in Virgo until Saturday night.  Harness the spike in energy to get focused on your business or on anything that you want to grow and expand and finish off tasks that you need to complete.

Use the Virgo tendency towards attention to detail to do tasks that require your focus and it’s a great time to clean and de-clutter. This could also mean clearing up your computer desktop and files, not just your physical space. You could find yourself being more critical than usual- of yourself as well as others- so do watch your words and thoughts. Lemon Myrtle is great to diffuse if you need extra support in staying focused and clear in your thoughts.

Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra

The Moon will be Void on Saturday night from 8:49pm until 2:05am on Sunday morning. When you wake up on Sunday the Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in harmony-loving Libra.  A Libra Moon is always good for focusing on your relationships self-care pillar. That could be related to your business partnerships, socialising with friends or doing something romantic with your spouse.

Libra Moons are diplomatic and good for bringing more balance into your life and in keeping a sense of equilibrium. This can make it difficult to make big decisions, but if you take some time to focus on the beauty in your life and keeping your living space harmonious then things will feel good. It’s great to get out into nature, to decorate your home, to go to an art gallery, and to focus on your own beauty routine when the Moon is in Libra. Geranium, Sandalwood and Lemongrass essential oils can all be good for harnessing the Libra Moon’s mood.

If you want to learn more about the Moon Phases you are invited to join my free on-demand workshop: How to Harness the Moon for More Energy, Alignment and Flow in Your Biz and Life. Click the image below to register!

Watch this full forecast on my IGTV below:

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