Lunar Energy and Mood Report
August 23-29, 2021
How was your Full Moon yesterday? Did you take some time to gaze at the Moon, do your Full Moon Mapping and complete a release ritual?
I sat on the beach near my house as the sun was setting and the beautiful Full Moon was rising. I was really chuffed that several other people had also come down to the same spot to watch the Moon too. I took my journal with me to write out all the doubts, fears and limiting beliefs I want to let go of and then I wrote these down and burned the paper during the Full Moon circle that I ran for the Moon Membership. I felt so much lighter afterwards!
This week begins the Waning Moon phase of the cycle which gives us a chance to begin to slow down. The past two weeks have been heavy and intense and it is nice to have this opportunity now to integrate and recalibrate our nervous systems with the shift in energy.
I love this about living my life being guided by the Moon and her natural rhythms.
If you want to learn more about how to do this, watch this free on-demand video workshop where I share all about how to harness the energy of the Moon for more alignment and flow.
Now, let’s get started with this week’s report!
Lunar Mood and Energy Report for Week Commencing August 23, 2021
It’s a welcome sense of relief to know that the Moon will be waning this week because this means it’s time to rest and recharge after the intensity of the previous two weeks. Focus on your physical self-care, nourishing your nervous system and to rest as much as necessary to restore your mind and body.
It's a good idea to integrate and feel into ay shifts that have come about after your releasing ritual on the Full Moon. Are things shifting for you now?
Moon Phase Energy
This week the Moon will be Waning Gibbous, which is a phase characterised by receding energy levels. This provides the opportunity to rest and reflect and to also practice gratitude for all that you have brought into your life so far in this lunar cycle that began on the last New Moon. Celebrate all these wins!
What to do for the Waning Gibbous phase
🌖 Practice gratitude with a gratitude list
🌖 Complete any tasks that you still haven’t completed, and let go of anything that is no longer aligned or working for you
🌖 Clear your schedule to give yourself space to rest
🌖 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called
Waning Gibbous Theme: Gratitude
Affirmation: I see more clearly and express gratitude for all the new insights I have
Reflection questions: What new insights do I have from this lunar cycle? What has been enjoyable in this lunar cycle? What can I do better to nourish myself and practice self-care?
Moon Sign Moods
Monday August 23rd
The Waning Gibbous Moon is in the sign of emotional Pisces. You may feel more sensitive, dreamy and creative. Tune into your intuition that may also be heightened and do things that allow you to express yourself creatively.
Lunar Self-Care
🌙 Soothe your nervous system by spending time near a body of water or soak in the tub
🌙 Get a pedicure or a reflexology foot massage (Pisces rules the feet)
🌙 Use art as a form of therapy and draw, paint or craft to work though any difficult emotions or journal it all out
🌙 Listen to some music you enjoy and dance, tuning into the sensation in your body as a way to feel connected and balanced
Journaling question:
How can you communicate your needs and emotions in a way that feel good and is empowering?
Essential oil:
Clary Calm: this blend is amazing for helping to stabilise emotions and assists with releasing emotional tension. Apply on the wrists or roll over the sacral chakra (lower stomach).
Void Moon Wednesday August 24th: 7:12pm to 4:56am (August 25th) (AEST)
Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions
Wednesday August 24th to August 26th
The Waning Gibbous Moon will be in action-taking Aries. This can bring a bit of an energy boost to do whatever work still needs to be done, but be mindful of being impatient if things aren’t moving quickly enough and being too spontaneous. Remember that this isn’t a time to be working hard and you shouldn’t start on anything new at this point. Let go of any restlessness or excess energy by moving your body and sweating it out.
Lunar Self-Care
🌙 Explore any new ideas that come up, and note them down as potential New Moon intentions
🌙 Take on a leadership role on your life or biz, or do things difficult things that require your courage and decisiveness
🌙 Do any kind of physical exercise that gets you sweating, especially cardio or hiking in nature
Journaling question:
What can you do to stay grounded and connected when you feel restless?
Essential oil:
Neroli: this oil is very stabilising and encourages patience and calm. Apply a few drops over the heart and sacral chakras or dab behind your ears.
Void Moon on Friday August 27th from 7:14am to 2:26pm (AEST)
Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions
Friday 27th August to Monday August 30th
The Waning Gibbous Moon will be in patient and practical Taurus. This is not the time to be making any major changes that might disrupt the Taurus need for stability. However, this weekend will be a perfect opportunity for nourishing physical self-care practices, spending time in nature, and also for focusing on your budget and finances.
Lunar Self Care:
🌙 Catch-up on your book-keeping in your biz or map-out your family budget
🌙 Take a long walk, spending d time soaking up the beauty of nature
🌙 Enjoy sensual pleasures like a massage or get intimate with your partner
🌙 Look at how you can add more luxury to your life
Journaling question:
What can you do to add more connection to your body and Nature in your daily routine?
Essential oil:
Patchouli- this oil is earthy, grounding and stabilising and perfect for harnessing the vibe of a Taurus Moon. Diffuse, inhale, or apply to the soles of the feet o rat the base of the spine.
The Moon Membership is the perfect support for you to:
🌙 Harness the Moon’s energy for more alignment and flow
🌙 To have ore energy and focus to your days and weeks
🌙 To feel connected to yourself on a deeper level
🌙 To have less stress and overwhelm and better self-care
🌙 Understand the lunar energies and mood on a deeper level
🌙 Connect with high-vibing women in our lunar community
This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.
Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!
This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.
The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.
This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.
Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!
The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.
When you become a Moon Member you will receive all this:
💙 Your spot in the Moon Membership, an exclusive membership for Moon Mavens, Lunar Lovers and any woman who is Moon curious and wanting to integrate the lunar cycle into their life
💙 A monthly masterclass on a lunar-related topic which includes a workbook and training video housed in our private member portal which you can watch on-demand
💙 2 x monthly Moon Circles on or around the New and Full Moon (these will be a virtual event, recorded and available to keep forever) and includes a full PDF guide to accompany the circle. Each Moon Circle Playbook includes guidance around the astrology of the particular Moon as well as journaling questions and specific rituals to practice
💙 PDFs of the morning and evening ritual pages from the My Unstoppable Life Journal
💙 A monthly lunar calendar with key dates including the times of void-of-course Moons to help you with your planning and tracking
💙 Other useful digital resources to support you in your lunar self-care housed in the library in our private member portal
💙 Access to a secret Facebook group to connect with the other women and where I will post weekly mini self-care challenges, daily lunar guidance, hacks for harnessing the weekly lunar energy, and other lunar and astrology tips to help you to align with your cyclical nature so that you can manage your energy and health in a sustainable way
Join now and get access to all the resources and be part of the next New Moon Circle for the Virgo New Moon on September 7th.
P.S. I have space in my calendar for 5 X Moon & You Readings this ASeptember- go here to learn more.