Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Report

August 2-8, 2021

There has been a few weeks pause since I last posted and I’ve decided to change up the format a little bit. I hope that this makes it even easier to follow the Moon so you can map out your week and live in harmony, alignment and flow with the lunar energies and mood.

To begin, wow, we are in August! How did that happen, right? July seemed to whizz on by for me- how about you? Here in Australia, I’m living in one of the states that are currently in a COVID-19 lockdown. It’s more important than ever in these time to make your self-care a priority, to protect you physical and mental health, and using the Moon to help guide you can be really helpful.

I know when I go outside and look up at the Moon, I feel inspired and hopeful and it helps to bring me back to the present moment. Gazing at the moon is always a good idea!

Moon Phase Energy

​This week the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase from today until August 6 when it will enter the Dark Moon and then on August 8 is the New Moon in Leo. When the Moon is waning, it appears to be getting smaller which is a good viualisation to have in mind as you prepare for how your energy is likely going to feel.

Personally, after the Third Quarter Moon, there is a noticeable shift in my energy so that things feel slower. This week is about going inward, being mindful in how you use your energy, taking time for reflection on how the last lunar cycle has gone for you and to prepare for the upcoming New Moon.

What to do this week:

🌙Tie-up any loose ends or projects you have been working on- but don’t start on anything new

🌙Do a de-clutter and make space physically and emotionally for the new lunar cycle

🌙Reflect on what has gone well and what has been challenging and plan for what you want to bring with you into the new lunar cycle and what you want to let go of

🌙Rest, restore and nurture our mind and soul in ways that feel good, honouring the inward energy of this phase

Theme this week: Surrender

Reflection questions: How can I clear any negative energies and bring a positive outlook to the next lunar cycle?

Moon Sign Moods

  • Monday August 2nd

​The Waning Crescent Moon is in in earthy and sensual Taurus. When the Moon is in Taurus, it’s a time to get practical and to do things that connect you to your body and the Earth.

Lunar Self-Care

🌙Spend time in nature and honour the Taurus love of beauty and aesthetics

🌙Take a long walk with your bare feet on the earth

🌙Get a massage

🌙It’s a great time for intimacy with your partner

Journaling question:

How can I deepen my connection to my physical body with my daily routine?

Essential oil:

Patchouli- this is a beautiful oil for helping you to appreciate the physical body and to release any judgements while building confidence, grace and joy. Diffuse or blend with a carrier oil and roll it on your pulse points.

  • Void Moon Monday August 2nd: 5:40pm-6:45pm (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

  • Tuesday August 3- Wednesday August 4

​The Waning Crescent Moon will be in sociable and communicative Gemini. This mood will have you wanting to socialise, have good conversations or to get writing about whatever is on your mind. It’s great for doing things like podcasting or blog writing when the Moon is in Gemini.

Lunar Self-Care

🌙If possible, exercise with a friend or on a group fitness class

🌙Connect with like-minded friends and engage in intellectual conversation (or just have a good old gossip)

🌙Read a book about something new pr study a course that will spark your intellect

🌙Do things to keep your mind and body busy- baking, crafting, sewing or painting

Journaling question:

How can I calm my mind and thoughts and make space to tune into my intuition?

Essential oil:

Bergamot - this oil is uplifting yet calming and can help to calm the mind when your thoughts feel scattered or you are over-thinking (which can happen with a Gemini Moon). Diffuse Bergamot to help with this!

  • Void Moon on Thursday August 5th from 5:37am-7:16am (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

  • Thursday August 5th - Saturday August 7th

The Moon will be Dark- meaning it won’t be visible in the sky, and this is a time for introspection, rest, reflection and recuperation.

Do some journaling and use these prompts:

🌙What am I proud of achieving this lunar cycle?

🌙What challenges did I face and how did I overcome them?

🌙What were the best things that happened?

🌙What do I want to let go of and release?

The sensitive Cancer Moon energy is perfect for this phase. This is the Moon’s home sign and is the best time for nurturing yourself and others, spending time at home with your loved ones and finding comfort.

Lunar Self Care:

🌙Cook some comfort foods to share with your friends an family

🌙Spend time near the ocean or around water, or if that’s not possible, have a salt bath

🌙Have a good cry it release the energies if things feel tough

🌙Do some EFT tapping around any insecurities that arise

Journaling question:

Do I need to I nurture myself more and how does that nourishment look and feel?

Essential oil:

​Clary Sage- this oil can be a great support when you have limiting beliefs and can helps to calm and soothe big emotions

  • Void Moon Saturday August 7th from 8:11am - 5:31pm (AEST)

​This is a very long Void Moon which provides a great chance to prepare for the upcoming New Moon. Start planning for your new moon intentions where you can focus on creative projects or getting new ideas off the ground. Diffuse Juniper Berry essential oil to harness the confidence you need to pursue the things in your life that might seem a bit scary but which will step you out of your comfort zone.

  • Sunday August 8th

​The New Moon in Leo will be exact at 16:14 degrees at 11:50pm. New Moons are like a reset that we get every month to start afresh and o set new intentions for the things we want to manifest and bring into our lives.

The Leo mood is happy, charismatic, playful and creative. This is a wonderful vibe for setting new Moon intentions that will propel you forward and to boost and activate your goals and intentions with a high frequency. This Leo New Moon a good one to set intentions around any projects or plans that you want to launch.

Make plans for this lunation to up the ante in your marketing efforts, put yourself out there for dong podcast interviews and build your confidence in telling your story and sharing this on your social media.

The Leo New Moon energy will ask us to look at where we can boost our self-esteem, and to focus on the areas of our life that we need to build our confidence and to be our authentic self. This might also mean stepping into a leadership role in your business, work or home life and setting boundaries so that you can step into your personal power and believe in yourself.

Lunar self-care:

🌙Use your My Unstoppable Life Journal to do your New Moon mapping

🌙Join in a new Moon intention setting circle

🌙Set you intentions around things that will help you to feel into your creativity, self-expression

🌙Do something creative that allows you to express yourself freely

🌙Dance, play and have fun

Journal reflection:

Where can I be more courageous and how can I live my values more authentically every day?

Essential oil:

Cheer- this blend is uplifting and hopeful and has the aroma of sunshine. Roll it across your heart chakra or inhale in an aroma tent.

Would you like to dive more into these lunar energies and connect with other like-minded women? do you want to connect in circle on the new Moon to make you intentions-setting even more powerful? Come join us in the Moon Membership!

The Moon Membership is the perfect support for you to:

🌙Harness the Moon’s energy for more alignment and flow

🌙To have ore energy and focus to your days and weeks

🌙To feel connected to yourself on a deeper level

🌙To have less stress and overwhelm and better self-care

🌙Understand the lunar energies and mood on a deeper level

🌙Connect with high vibing women in our lunar community

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!

The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.

When you become a Moon Member you will receive all this:

🌙Your spot in the Moon Membership, an exclusive membership for Moon Mavens, Lunar Lovers and any woman who is Moon curious and wanting to integrate the lunar cycle into their life
🌙A monthly masterclass on a lunar-related topic which includes a workbook and training video housed in our private member portal which you can watch on-demand
🌙2 x monthly Moon Circles on or around the New and Full Moon (these will be a virtual event, recorded and available to keep forever) and includes a full PDF guide to accompany the circle. Each Moon Circle Playbook includes guidance around the astrology of the particular Moon as well as journaling questions and specific rituals to practice

🌙PDFs of the morning and evening ritual pages from the My Unstoppable Life Journal
🌙A monthly lunar calendar with key dates including the times of void-of-course Moons to help you with your planning and tracking
🌙Other useful digital resources to support you in your lunar self-care housed in the library in our private member portal
🌙Access to a secret Facebook group to connect with the other women and where I will post weekly mini self-care challenges, daily lunar guidance, hacks for harnessing the weekly lunar energy, and other lunar and astrology tips to help you to align with your cyclical nature so that you can manage your energy and health in a sustainable way

The value for all of this every month is hundreds of dollars but all you need to invest is AUD $33 a month or AUD $222 annually. You will then be grand-mothered in at this pricing for as long as you remain a member.

Join before August 8th and connect in our next New Moon circle for the New Moon in Leo!
