Simone Samuels

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Lunar Energy and Mood Report

August 30 – September 5

This week kicks off with the Third Quarter Moon phase in the sign of chatty Gemini. It is at this phase of the lunar cycle that I feel a noticeable shift in my energy levels (to that of realllllly going slow!) and it’s also here that frustrations and un-easy feelings can arise.

This week it is a particularly tricky lunar transit, because the spotlight tends to be put onto out limiting beliefs and negative patterns- which can make this a great time to release and let go. Usually, a Gemini Moon would be the time for us to want to socialise, but weight just not be feeling that usual tendency, being called to reflect and go inwards instead.

If you are feeling this, it could be because we have 6 major planets all in retrograde at the moment- the cosmos is really wanting us to takes some time to re-evaluate our lives, fine-tune our habits and focus on letting go of what we need to have a positive mindset.

We are also now fully into Virgo Season, an earth sign that is perfect for cleaning, organising, de-cluttering and focusing on healthy habits and committing to your overall well-being.

This week, you should be focusing on reflecting, restoring and preparing for the New Moon. The Virgo New Moon will be on the 7th September, and brings it a fresh new start and the chance to set or revisit your intentions and goals. How great it is that we have this opportunity every month!

I will be running a New Moon circle on Sunday night so that we can set powerful New Moon intentions together. If you would like to be part of it, come join us in the Moon Membership and also get access to the PDF playbook which includes deeper astro info about the New Moon, journaling prompts, rituals, recipes and self-care practices.

Now, let’s get started with this week’s report!

Lunar Energy and Mood Report for the Week Commencing August 30, 2021

The Moon continues in the waning phase all of this week, starting off on Monday with the Third Quarter Moon and then moving into the Waning Crescent and then closing out the week in its Dark Moon phase prior to the New Moon next Monday.

Keywords for this week include rest, restore, reflect, and release. Focus on your physical self-care, nourishing your nervous system and to rest as much as necessary to nurture your mind and body.

You may want to reflect and release any negative energy, patterns or thoughts as well as tie-up any loose ends that you still have so that you can move into the next lunar cycle with a confident and positive mindset.

Moon Phase Energy

​The week kicks off with the Third Quarter Moon, a sometimes challenging phase that can have us  feeling reduced energy levels which calls for having clear boundaries in place around your time. Analyse what is going well and release the thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.

What to do for the Third Quarter phase

Get organised and re-focus on the things that are important to complete ad tie up lose ends

Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

Analyse what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving

Third Quarter Theme:



I let go of negative energy and habits and surrender my intentions to the universe

Reflection questions:

What have a learned this lunar cycle? How can I use what I have leaned in moving towards my vision? What habits can I work on improving in the next lunar cycle?

From Tuesday to Friday, the Moon will be in its Waning Crescent phase. This is when you will likely notice a shift in your energy levels as they continue to recede and you could even feel quite drained. This is perfectly ok, and honour this by being gentle with yourself. Gift yourself whatever you need- whether that’s a little nap or time to yourself- make whatever your body is craving a priority. This time is all about resting, restoring and preparing for the fresh start that’s on its way.

What to do for the Waning Crescent phase

Finalise all projects and don’t start in anything new

Focus on nourishing self-care practices that help you to rest and relax

Spend some time alone with your journal to reflect on the ups and downs of the past lunar cycle

Feel all your feelings freely and be gentle with yourself, practicing self-compassion

Waning Crescent Theme:



I feel into my intentions with strength and confidence

Reflection questions:

What loose ends can I finalise to prepare for the next lunar cycle? What can I do to raise my overall energy and focus? How can I clear any negative energies and bring a positive outlook to the next lunar cycle?

Over the weekend, it will be a Dark Moon, which is when the Moon is not visible in the sky. This timing of the weekend is perfect for going inwards and to rest, have some quiet time and to rest and reflect as you fully prepare for the forthcoming New Moon.

What to do for the Dark Moon phase

Spend some time in the peace and quiet of nature on your own


Reflect on the past lunar cycle, celebrate your wins, acknowledge any lessons learned, and release what you want to let go of to make space for the new

Anoint your third eye with Frankincense and do a meditation

Moon Sign Moods

Monday August 30th to Wednesday September 1st

​The Waning Moon is in the sign of sociable Gemini. When the Moon is in Gemini we can feel the need to get together with friends and find our thirst for knowledge can pique. There can also be the tendency to feel quite scattered and stuck in our heads. It’s an easy time for communication of all kinds.

Lunar Self-Care for Gemini

Open-up a course you have been studying and get learning or research something new

Get together with like-minded friends for some witty banter and maybe even a gossip

Write a blog post, do a podcast interview or do editing

Do things that are fun, playful and evoke feelings of positivity

Journaling question:

How can I stop over-thinking and trust my intuition more?

Essential oil:

Lavender: this is the oil of communication and calm which can support verbal expression and help to calm a scattered mind. It can encourage emotional honesty and open communication. Inhale, diffuse or apply over the throat, temples and back of the neck.

Void Moon Wednesday September 1st: 6:48am to 3:25pm (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

Wednesday September 1st to Friday September 3rd  

​The Waning Crescent Moon will be in emotional Cancer. With the Moon in this water sign, and also the Moon’s home sign, we can feel more sensitive than usual. We might also feel more nostalgic and it’s the time when our mothering instincts kick in- to mother not only others but also ourselves. You might feel more inclined to spend time in the comfort of your home with your loved ones.

Lunar Self-Care for Cancer

Enjoy physical self-care and have a goddess bath

Prepare some comfort food to share with your loved ones

Communicate your feelings as a way to release any sensitive emotions

Spend time near water or the ocean an cry it all out

Journaling question:

How can I nourish and nurture myself more?

Essential oil:

Chamomile: this oil can help to relieve stress and calm any big emotions and soothe the mind when you are feeling overly sensitive. Diffuse, inhale or apply to wrists and back of neck.

Void Moon on Friday September 3rd from 3:37pm to 1:58am (Saturday 4th) (AEST)

Do menial tasks, focus on nourishing self-care and avoid making big decisions

Saturday September 4 to Monday September 6th

The Waning Crescent Moon will be in outgoing Leo. The mood will lighten up quite a bit, with the Leo Moon encouraging our self-expression, playfulness and creativity. You may feel inclined to go out and have some fun, to dance or be inspired to do something creative.

Lunar Self Care for Leo

Dance in your living room to your favourite upbeat tunes

Make art or do a creative project of some kind (we are ALL creative in some way!)

Engage in some heart-led conversations with loved one

Wear clothes that make you feel good and which are true to your own style so you can boldly step out with confidence

Journaling question:

How can I harness my self-expression and creativity more every day?

Essential oil:

Cheer: this blend is like liquid sunshine and evokes the Leo vibes of fun and playfulness. Diffuse or roll across your heart centre.

I’d love for you to connect in circle with me and the other Moon Members on Sunday night!​ I will share with you more about the energies of the Virgo New Moon, will guide you through a meditation, provide you some journaling prompts and we will do a releasing ritual together. I will also pull a tarot card for everyone.

Come join us in the Moon Membership!

The Moon Membership is the perfect support for you to:

🌙 Harness the Moon’s energy for more alignment and flow

🌙 To have ore energy and focus to your days and weeks

🌙 To feel connected to yourself on a deeper level

🌙 To have less stress and overwhelm and better self-care

🌙 Understand the lunar energies and mood on a deeper level

🌙 Connect with high-vibing women in our lunar community

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.

This membership is the best way to get support from me as you learn how to have a lunar-led life which is harmonious and energised.

Shift the way you nourish yourself and to strengthen your connection with the Moon and the lunar cycle!

The Moon Membership gives you the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women, and gain access to all the resources you need to have a lunar-led life.

When you become a Moon Member you will receive all this:

💙 Your spot in the Moon Membership, an exclusive membership for Moon Mavens, Lunar Lovers and any woman who is Moon curious and wanting to integrate the lunar cycle into their life
💙 A monthly masterclass on a lunar-related topic which includes a workbook and training video housed in our private member portal which you can watch on-demand
💙 2 x monthly Moon Circles on or around the New and Full Moon (these will be a virtual event, recorded and available to keep forever) and includes a full PDF guide to accompany the circle. Each Moon Circle Playbook includes guidance around the astrology of the particular Moon as well as journaling questions and specific rituals to practice
💙 PDFs of the morning and evening ritual pages from the My Unstoppable Life Journal
💙 A monthly lunar calendar with key dates including the times of void-of-course Moons to help you with your planning and tracking
💙 Other useful digital resources to support you in your lunar self-care housed in the library in our private member portal
💙 Access to a secret Facebook group to connect with the other women and where I will post weekly mini self-care challenges, daily lunar guidance, hacks for harnessing the weekly lunar energy, and other lunar and astrology tips to help you to align with your cyclical nature so that you can manage your energy and health in a sustainable way

Join now and get access to all the resources and be part of the next New Moon Circle for the Virgo New Moon on September 7th.

Have you watched the free training about the Moon Phases and harnessing them for more alignment, energy and flow? You can join here!