Lunar Mood & Energy Forecast
Week Commencing February 24, 2020
We start this week in the Pisces new moon. If you haven’t already, be sure to take some time out to do a little new moon ritual and to set your new moon intentions. There is a handy section called Moon Mapping in the My Unstoppable Life Journal which is great for doing your intention-setting.
We can expect to feel a lot of watery Piscean energy this new moon with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune all in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and intuitive sign. Pisces calls us to heal past wounds, explore our emotions and the express ourselves in a way that is healthy and high vibe.
The new moon is always a good opportunity to rest and slow down. The intense Pisces energy of this new moon is really encouraging us to practice deep self-care, to rest and stop. This could mean just BEING and going very slow and doing not much at all.
Go back to basics and make sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and doing what helps you to feel nourished. You may feel called to get creative, go deep on your spiritual practices and even explore the metaphysical realm, work with your intuition and really allow yourself to dream.
Some good questions to journal about while the moon is still new can be: How do you want to nurture yourself? How do you want to grow? What do you want to achieve and how do you want to feel this lunar cycle?
As the moon starts to wax over the coming days, you will notice a shift, with energy levels rising, which is perfect for taking action on making those new moon intentions come to life. Plant those seeds and begin to water them, and refine your plans into small and manageable steps to help you to manifest those goals and dreams.
The moon will move into the sign of Aries mid-week, in the waxing crescent phase. Aries is a very action-taking sign that is perfect for the fresh start that the waning crescent brings us and will be a time for getting our projects done with passion and speed. This phase is about opportunity and growth so commit to your new moon intentions and use the Aries fire energy to be independent and to step into your leadership.
Your self-care is going to be less about relaxing and being gentle and more about harnessing this energy to follow through on your passions and purpose. Review your vision board and get creative if that is what sets your soul on fire.
For the weekend the waxing crescent sign will be in the earth sign of Taurus. It would be really useful to spend some time in nature and to enjoy beautiful surrounds or have sensory experiences while the moon is in Taurus.
While still in the waxing crescent moon action-taking mode, tap into how you want to feel as you focus on your intentions and desires. What can you be, do and feel in your life now in order to be, do and feel what you want more of?
It is also a good to time to practice gratitude when the moon is in mellow Taurus- how can you appreciate all that you have? Tap into this energy by nourishing your self-love and self-worth pillar. Over the weekend it will also be useful to pay attention to how you are looking after your physical body. Focus on eating good, clean food and move your body in joyful ways to feel into the sensuous Taurean vibes.
Watch the video forecast here:
*All days/dates are for the Southern Hemisphere- go back one day for the Northern Hemisphere
If you would love to get more tips, support and guidance on following the moon and living a lunar-based life, head over to this free Facebook group- Lunar-Self-Care Sanctuary.