Mercury Retrograde Self-Care Survival Plan
If you are in any way interested in astrology, then you have no doubt heard about Mercury Retrograde, an astrological phenomenon that occurs three or four times every year. The three weeks that Mercury is in retrograde are a time that many people dread because it can bring chaos to our life, especially in those areas involving travel, communications and technology. However, rather than fearing Mercury Retrograde (Rx), this can be the perfect time for practicing some extra special self-care so that you can review, reflect on and renew your life and come out of the other side of Mercury Rx feeling positive rather than frazzled and tense.
What’s so important about the planet Mercury anyway?
First it’s important to understand what the planet Mercury means to us astrologically. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and this small planet is quite the trickster. In astrology, the Mercury archetype rules communications and the mind, as well as transport, technology and commerce. It therefore affects our intellect, self-expression, and the way we think. In our lives, Mercury can affect the way we travel, how we communicate, and business arrangements and negotiations.
What’s Mercury Retrograde got to do with it?
Mercury Retrograde is actually just an optical illusion. Its orbit is shorter than Earth’s, so there are certain times when Mercury appears to be moving in a backwards motion- retrograde- when it is actually just that planet Earth is moving faster than the planet Mercury. Have you ever sat in a car in traffic or in a train and other vehicles or carriages either side of you moves forward yet you remain stationary? When this happens, it seems like you are moving backwards. It’s that same illusion we see in the sky with Mercury (and with the other planets too) and in astrology when a planet is in retrograde it represents a time when the energies and actions that govern the planet seem to stop or have a more intense effect than they normally do.
We are currently in the first Mercury retrograde of 2020 in the sign of Pisces. This phenomena will happen again on June 18 to July 12 in Cancer, and October 13 to November 3 in Scorpio. There can be particular effects that Mercury brings while in retrograde depending on the sun sign that it’s going retrograde in. For example, Mercury has just gone Rx in the sign of Pisces. With Pisces being about creativity and emotions, we are likely going to find that there are some blocks to our creativity or the way we express ourselves, we might feel even more emotional and argumentative than normal, and we may experience miscommunications and things in a heightened emotional state.
When the trickster planet Mercury goes Rx, the influence that Mercury has over communications, travel, technology and commerce can make those things go a bit haywire. You might find that you don’t communicate things very well, your travel plans go awry, you miss appointments, experience delays, get into arguments with your loved ones, technology will play up on you, important meetings or transactions will not go smoothly, and you might lose important files on your computer.
It’s not recommended to book flights, make big purchases like property, to deal with important contracts or negotiations, start new projects, or do launches in your business when Mercury is Rx, and especially when it is stationed (about to turn retrograde or go direct again).
Even though this might seem a bit overwhelming, Mercury Rx should not be a time to fear or stress. When you are aware of the energies intensifying you can prepare for the potential challenges and rather than get anxious you can practice some special self-care to help you to get through the inconveniences with minimal annoyance before Mercury goes direct again.
What can we do for our self-care to survive Mercury Retrograde?
I like to think of Mercury Rx as a wonderful opportunity to deepen our self-care practice so that we can survive the period feeling renewed. In fact, if we do use these weeks to take extra special care, you can be rewarded with a new outlook and be ready to face the world with new and revised plans and a sense of lightness that can come from deep healing and rest.
Below is a small list of positive self-care practices for Mercury Retrograde based around the 8 self-care pillars that can help you to outwit Mercury.
Be prepared
Like the girl scout motto says, it is always best to be prepared for any eventuality so that you can out-trick Mercury’s influence. This means you should plan out your schedule in advance so that important meetings don’t happen until after Mercury goes direct, be extra cautious with travel arrangements, do a back-up of your hard drive and important documents and be extra clear in your communications. Double-check any emails for mistakes and carefully read the details of important documents.
Also pay close attention to your finances and financial matters and be prepared for debts or old financial problems to resurface. especially with travel, allow more time than usual to do things and always reconfirm several times any appointments and travel arrangements, and get ready for an old flame or a friendship to be rekindled. Basically, expect the unexpected to happen for the three weeks Mercury is Rx.
With Mercury having so much influence over communications and commerce, it’s a good idea to do a bit of a de-clutter so that you can clear your physical space and get organised so as to avoid extra confusion in a potentially confusing period. Let go of what is no longer serving you physically and metaphorically. It is also good to finish any projects that you have started by not yet competed- but it is not a good time to start new things!
Avoid big decisions
Misunderstandings and disagreements can be rife when Mercury is retrograde, so avoid making big decisions that you might only end up changing your mind on later. Also don’t pressure other people into making big decisions, and if you do, it’s likely they will change or go back on the decision after Mercury moves direct again.
Mind your Words
Rather than getting social, use Mercury Rx as a time for self-reflection and contemplation. This will help you to avoid having communications with people which might cause conflict or confusion caused by Mercury’s influence. Be careful with the language you use when talking to people to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
Self Love & Self-Worth
Heal old wounds
Mercury has a way of shining the light on your shadows, which makes this a great time to work on healing any old wounds, inner shadows and fears that have been holding you back. When you can let those things go it will be much easier to start from a fresh slate once Mercury goes direct. It’s not uncommon for old lovers or forgotten people from your past to pop back on the scene when Mercury is Rx, so be prepared to deal with this if it happens, and to find closure if you need to.
Positive Affirmations
If you find yourself feeling more emotional and insecure than usual, it’s probably due to Mercury, so try to think positive and kind thoughts rather than allowing your thoughts to spiral down the negativity rabbit hole, especially if communications or relationships are uncomfortable. Notice your self-talk, keep it positive and flip any negative thinking through the use of affirmations.
Keep a Positive Mindset
Rather than blaming Mercury Rx for all the things going wrong in your life, flip your mindset. This can be a really positive period of time which allows you to rest and and reflect and see things from a different perspective. If you feel overwhelmed then use that as a sign that it’s time to up the ante on your self-care.
Rest & Relaxation
Take a Break
It is normal when Mercury is Rx to feel the need to spend more time alone than usual. We might also feel more sensitive, so use this as a chance to cut back on your social schedule, withdraw a little bit, and rest more than usual to recharge your batteries during this time. Be gentle with yourself and make “ease” your mantra rather than hustle. Get plenty of sleep and catch up on reading or another relaxing activity you never regularly get time to do.
Digital detox
With so much potential chaos happening with communication and technology, avoid the problems from arising altogether and use this time to do a digital detox. This can be a great opportunity to get off social media, delete your social apps from your phone, or make a commitment to minimise your screen time. every day. Instead, spend time in nature, slow down and get back in touch with what really matters to you away from the computer, your hand phone and the world of social media.
Breathe and Be Mindful
Due to the possible communication challenges when Mercury is Rx, we might feel more frustrated than usual, and we can get more short tempered or annoyed when interacting with people. If you find yourself getting flustered, breathe and practice mindfulness.
Diffuse Essential Oils
Try diffusing or mixing a blend of essential oils to support you emotionally and mentally. Grounding Clary Sage and Cedarwood, heart-opening Bergamot, relaxing Chamomile, and mental clarity inducing Lemon and Cyprus are all good choices when Mercury is Rx.
Nourishing Food
Review What Your Eat
When Mercury is Rx, review or rethink your diet. It can be beneficial to improve the quality of the food you usually eat, shake up any bad habits, and to research solutions to any health problems you might be experiencing so that you can come up with a healthy eating plan that you can then begin once Mercury is direct again.
Joyful Movement
Practice Yoga
There is no better time to get onto the mat than when Mercury is Rx. Yoga is relaxing, the right kind of energising, and is a form of meditation in the way it helps you to connect your breath with your movements. The gentle stretches will help to make your body to feel recharged and will improve your mood and clear your mind.
Sweat it Out
Of course, if you are feeling extra anxious due to Mercury Rx, you may find it helpful to sweat it out and do an invigorating form of exercise like jogging, RPM or boxing so that you can sweat-out your frustrations while also clearing your mind in the moment.
Passion & Purpose
Get Creative
When Mercury is Rx it’s a great time to practice your hobbies and interests that can give you mental space. If you are arty, crafty, musical or like gardening, then take some time to pursue these interests. Maybe there is a creative project you started but haven’t yet finished which would be great to now focus on doing as a way to get out of your head and to express yourself artistically.
Spiritual Practice
Journal It Out
Journaling is a valuable tool at any time in our lives where we have to deal with thoughts and reflect, and it is an even more useful tool during Mercury Rx. Spend ten minutes every day to journal your thoughts and reflect on what’s coming up for you in this time. Do a brain dump of all your thoughts as a way to empty the negativity onto paper and clear out the mental trash. This is how Mercury Rx can be a time for healing and renewal.
Carry Crystals
There are some crystals that you might want to pop into your pocket or bra to help give you extra protection from the Mercury retrograde bad juju vibes. Aquamarine is the crystal for emotional stability and inner connection, whilst crystals like amethyst and hematite can help clear and protect bad energies and negative feelings so you can minimise the extra stress that can come when Mercury is Rx.
We can find that during Mercury Rx, our mind can be over-active and more busy than usual. We might find ourselves over-analysing, having messy thoughts, and being more mercurial-natured. To help your mind to be more clear-headed, take time to meditate every day. This will allow you to have some time out to be in silence and to reflect. Meditation also has the effect of slowing down racing thoughts, releases endorphins to boost your mood, and helps you to have a good overall mental state.
Hopefully these self-care idea give you permission to use the Mercury Retrograde weeks to really rest and recharge. By resolving old wounds and healing any blocks that Mercury sheds the light on, you will come out of this period feeling renewed and you will see that Mercury Rx can be a very positive time for your personal growth and transformation.
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If you do find that Mercury Retrograde is getting the better to you, then come join us over at my free Facebook group, the Lunar Self-Care Sanctuary where you can share your frustrations and get some extra tools and tips for self-care in the chaotic period. Request to join the community of heart-led women entrepreneurs here: